The new DACHSER magazine is here!
When rising to meet new challenges, a future-proof company must adopt an agile and flexible mindset. That way, it can prove just how adaptable it is, time and again. You can read all about how DACHSER does just that in the latest issue of our magazine.

It begins with a success story: DACHSER Service und Ausbildungs GmbH was launched ten years ago in response to the worsening shortage of professional truck drivers—a problem that resonates across the industry. The idea was for DACHSER itself to train drivers, enhance the image of the profession, and help the market attract and retain new drivers long-term. This concept soon began to bear fruit: DACHSER is now one of the largest trainers of professional truck drivers in Germany. Starting on page 6, our cover story uses our Bremen branch as an example of how DACHSER is a champion for the next generation of drivers.
Another, albeit entirely different, challenge that affects us all struck a few years ago: Brexit saw the United Kingdom leave the European Union and thus the European single market and customs union. Managing the flow of goods to and from the UK under entirely new conditions now called for additional flexibility and good ideas. Turn to page 16 to discover how the team at DACHSER UK are mastering this task and what role the new Smart Border Connect solution plays in this story.
To flexibly adapt to serve the needs of individual sectors, DACHSER relies on an extensive portfolio of tailored industry solutions. One industry that places highly specific requirements on logistics is fashion. The latest apparel must reach stores on time, efficiently, and wrinkle-free. Digel is just one of the fashion brands taking advantage of the services offered through the DACHSER Fashion Logistics industry solution. A key component here is the Roll&GOH customized container, which DACHSER developed in-house. To read more about the logistical challenges of the fashion world—and the solutions to them—turn to page 28.
Your personal copy and our archives
You’ll find these and many other stories in this issue. Pick up your personal copy at your branch or download the PDF here. We hope that you enjoy reading the new issue of the DACHSER magazine.
You can also browse through previous issues of the DACHSER magazine.